A BBC Radio 4 programme has raised concerns that recent changes to park home legislation is not being taken seriously by park home owners.
An investigation by the show You and Yours revealed that selected sites are still asking residents to sign letters granting them permission to review potential buyers should they choose to sell their park home, which contradicts recent updates made to the Mobile Homes Act.
The programme’s special guest, Brian Doick of the National Association for Park Home Residents, warned that some park home operators were continuing to use these unlawful practices in order to buy park homes from residents at a low rate, before replacing that home with another model and selling it to a new resident for a large profit.
Ros Pritchard of the British Holiday and Home Parks Association explained that making such major changes to the system means it will take time for park home site operators to fully understand how the buying and selling system now works, and that communication is the key to making sure that all transactions are carried out within the law.
Also within the debate, Communities Minister Don Foster added that it was only a minority of site owners that were still operating illegally, with most parks being run in a fair manner.
Coast is a specialist park home insurance provider. For park home cover call Freephone 0800 614 849.